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Here at Olympic Aquatic Engineers we offer high quality solutions to meet our customers requirements. Over many years we have built up a very experienced team of Ecologists, Aquatic Botanists and Civil Engineers to offer a full package for any wetland or water based project.
With our head office in Norfolk and depots in Lincolnshire and Hampshire we offer a UK nationwide service for consultancy, planning and construction of aquatic engineering projects.

Plant Hire
Olympic operates a very diverse range of specialised plant and equipment from long reach excavators to a unique mono-rail system designed for transporting waste and construction material to and from site. These can be hired or used as part of a project, please see our plant hire page for more details.

Design & Build
Our in-house team can design and build silt curtains, reed rafts, sluice gates, river revetments, waterside buildings and a range of other pre-built or bespoke products to your requirements. See our projects page for further information on the sort of varied work we have carried out for a number of clients.